RoSFest Ticket Info
Reserved Seating Tickets, Gold Membership Tickets, Platinum Membership Tickets, Blue Diamond Membership Tickets
Single & 3-Day Tickets on Sale!
Ticket holders will receive a wristband for a seat at the three-day festival.
Single day Tickets $75 – 100 + $2 service charge
3-Day Tickets $250 + $2 service charge

RoSFest Blue Diamond Membership
As a Blue Diamond member, you will be making a generous contribution to help fund our annual event. As a mark of gratitude, you will receive:
- early ticket purchase and the pick of our best seats in the theater (not available via our online ticketing channels)
- a RoSFest VIP lanyard & pass granting you early admittance to the theater
- select meet and greets and pre-show sound checks (some limitations apply)
- exclusive invitation to the RoSFest pre-festival dinner on Thursday, April 14 (you never know who will turn up!)
- an exclusive RoSFest T-shirt
- an Appreciation Plaque
- your name on the “Thank You” page of the website.
$1000 and above
Note: Gift donation component of your membership ($650) is tax-deductible in the US
RoSFest Platinum Membership
As a Platinum member you will receive:
- early ticket purchase and the pick of some of the best seats in the theater (not available via our online ticketing channels)
- a RoSFest VIP lanyard & pass granting early admittance to the theater
- select meet and greets and pre-show sound checks (some limitations apply)
- an exclusive RoSFest T-shirt
- your name on the “Thank You” page of the website
Note: The gift donation of your membership ($200) is tax-deductible in the US
RoSFest Gold Membership
As a Gold member you will receive:
- early ticket purchase and the pick of choice seats (not available via our online ticketing channels)
- limited edition RoSFest gold member wrist band
- 11” x 17” RoSFest poster, perfect for autographs
- your name on the “Thank You” page of the website.
Note: The gift donation component of your membership ($100) is tax-deductible in the US
How to order Reserved Seating tickets?
We will make an announcement when these tickets go on sale.
Step 1. Click on the link to access the ticket page.
Step 2. Select your seat(s).
Step 3. Select your payment option.
That’s it, you’re done!
How to order membership seat tickets.
Step 1. Pay by credit card or by check.
Step 2. The credit card prompt will be available through PayPal on the website.
Step 3. Once we have received payment we will send you a confirmation email.
Step 4. A representative will contact you a.s.a.p. to go over the available seating selection. All seats will be assigned by order number.
Checks should be made out to RoSFest, Inc. and mailed to the following address.
RoSFest Inc.
1245 Tarpon Ave
Sarasota, FL 34237
Payment by check must be received within 10 days before the festival for your seat selection to be saved!
When paying for tickets by check, please ensure we receive the check at least ten (10) business days before the festival for your seat selection to be released. Please include full contact information with your check and a valid email address. We will email you once your payment has been received and again when payment clears, this time with your e-ticket(s).
That’s it!