The health and safety of attendees is a priority for RoSFest. For the safety of our patrons, staff, and artists participating in RoSFest 2022, this event may require additional screening for entry. Regardless of our own beliefs on appropriate mitigation, we are legally obligated to follow the rules of the venue, the Sarasota Opera House. Current policy can be found at We note that the situation with COVID-19 is very fluid and requirements can change at any time. Therefore, please check the venue’s website for updated policies related to COVID-19.
Attendees to RoSFest voluntarily assume all risks and danger incidental to the event whether occurring prior to, during, or after same, including, but not limited to, contracting, and/or spreading the COVID-19 virus, and agree that the organization, venue, presenter, agents, participants, or players are not responsible or liable for any injuries, sickness, or death resulting from such causes. Attendees also acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic remains a threat to individual and public health. COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease transmitted through human contact and respiratory droplets and it is possible that attendees may contract COVID-19 while at the event.